Christianity Exposed
A history of the charletan magician and the charletan clergy.
A short look at how magic has formed religion and our views of religions.
How does religious ritual affect religious belief? Are the two intertwined or separate functions in religious practices? This study researches these questions and much more.
A look at the witchcraft and its adherents in Salem, Massachusetts, that led to the infamous witch trials and burning at the stake, in the name of religion and god.
A short history of the Salem Witch trials.
Free Trade is NOT of Christianity! Free Trade does not work! Free Trade is dangerous! The Free Trade theory has failed nations and peoples, time and time again, throughout history, yet, governments and leaders have refused to acknowledge its failings. IT IS NOT A RELIGIOUS PRECEPT!
When you study Christian history it's written by the victors of that time. So to read about Julian from most textbooks you'd see him referred to as pagan, heretic, infidel, with a slant pro-Christian look at the emperor. It's rare to be able to read the charges of the Emperor against Christianity, with the slant from his point of view.
Discover how much of your faith, your Christian or Jewish religion originated from the religion of Babylon.
Mary Catherwood puts the life of Joan of Arc into story form, but sticking to the historical facts given in the documents about this Goddess.
The Story of her Life, her Achievements, and her Death, as Attested on Oath and Set Forth in the Original Documents. This book is a collection of the historical documents preserved throughout the ages about Joan of Arc.
Mrs. Oliphant looks on the valor and steadfastness of the faith of Joan of Arc, and writes the story, hoping we learn lessons from the mistakes of history.
This is one of the few books written about Joan of Arc after her canonization by the church.
It was but natural that one who loved and admired all that is good and beautiful and high-minded should have a strong feeling of admiration for the memory of Joan of Arc. On the pedestal of the bronze statue, which my mother placed in her house at Cliveden, are inscribed those words which sum up the life and career of the Maid of Orleans
Grace stresses the opinion of witnesses and friends to formulate a picture of Joan of Arc of her life.
Tuckey stresses the heroine aspect of the woman, Joan of Arc. "The world has no relic of Joan. Her armor, her banner, the picture of herself... have all disappeared. We possess but the record of a fair face framed in plentiful dark hair, of a strong and graceful shape, of a sweet woman's voice.