Christianity Exposed
Religion, particularly Christianity, has enslaved the world through ignorance. Religion permeates the culture, the politics, and the government, allowing ignorants to rule and control. Ignorance promotes war, inhumanity, disease, and poverty. Education ends religion's control of the people. It is hoped that this reprint in a popular form may serve the purpose of contributing something, in co-operation with the present exertions, to expose, and partially remedy, the lamentable and nationally disgraceful ignorance to which the people of our country have been so long abandoned.
A plea from an androgyne to the public to understand their predicament, and stop the unwarranted persecution by homophobes and the church, since this is an anomaly that happened in the womb or at birth. In today's world we are discovering that pollution and drugs are causing gender-bending in the psychology, biology, and anatomy of both men and women. Fake milk sold to families in the 1950s to replace breast milk cross-wired neuropathic lines and changed many women into lesbians. Water pollution is cross gendering men psychologically and giving them women's breasts. The church including the Mormons and their illiterate minions should be attacking the source of these problems, not the victims.
Nowhere is the influence of sex more plainly manifested than in the formulation of religious conceptions and creeds. With the rise of male power and dominion, and the corresponding repression of the natural female instincts, the principles which originally constituted the God-idea gradually gave place to a Deity better suited to the peculiar bias which had been given to the male organism.
What is heresy that it should be so heavily punished? Why is it that society will condone many offences, pardon many vicious practices, and yet have such scant mercy for the open heretic, who is treated as though he were some horrid monster to be feared and hated?
This is one of the few books written about Joan of Arc after her canonization by the church.
In the domain of religion and theology, the present age is witnessing a phenomenon of extraordinary character and significance. It is now being demonstrated that scholarly research in the field of Christian history and exegesis is at last beginning to be motivated by the spirit of truth-seeking. The amazing discovery in recent times of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and other documents such as the Gospel of Thomas, has lifted a curtain of secrecy ...
Phallic worship, the first abstract religion evolved by man, has taken deeper root; its fundamental principles are still present, though they have their seat in our subliminal consciousness
Shrouded in the cloak of philosophy, the question of the existence of God continues to attract attention, and, I may add, to command more respect than it deserves.
Mary Magdalen and the Holy Grail - The "San Andreas Fault" of institutional Christianity is its systematic denial and denigration of the "Sacred Feminine" over a period of nearly 2000 years.Margaret Starbird's theological beliefs were profoundly shaken when she first encountered the suggestion that Jesus Christ was married and that his bloodline survived in Western Europe. Shocked by such heresy, this Roman Catholic scholar set out to refute it, but instead discovered new and compelling evidence for the existence of the lost bride of Jesus -- the same Mary who anointed him with precious unguent of nard from her alabaster jar
How much paganism was adopted, invited, or crept into the Christian rites and rituals over 2000 years? This book proves that there are many.
Freer explores the archaeological, astronomical and genetic evidence for our being a half-alien, genetically engineered species. He presents the mind-boggling ramifications of this new paradigm which correct and resolve the Creationist-Evolutionary conflict, afford a generic definition of human nature, and the potential to rethink the planet. We are about to step out of racial adolescence into stellar society.
If there is a hell, that is the most important fact in the universe. Compared with an eternity of torment, all that this little life has to offer is but as nothing. 2 books in one volume! Essays On Phallic Worship and the Christian Doctrine of Hell
Connecticut, home of the Skull and Bones Secret Society, was a leading state run by religious illiteracy and ignorance as it murdered people for the benefit of the popular religion. Don't LAUGH! that's a Crime in this religious biased state.
ET no man venture to read this little book who is unable to shake himself free for a time, from those inherited and acquired conceptions of Christ as a divine Being of more than human perfection which have become woven into the very texture of every devout Christian's thought and faith.