Spirituality-Religions Christianity Embraced


Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Days Before Tommorrow

Christianity Embraced


Demonology and Witchcraft
Catalog #: SKU2318

Written in 1830, Sir Walter Scott reveals mankind's history with demons and witches. This is an exhaustive study into demons and witches in the ancient religions.

Dragon, Image, and Demon: Three Religions of China
Catalog #: SKU2252

Study the symbolism within the three major religions of China. Written by a Christian missionary preacher, intended to expose these religions as evil and idolatrous, the author did however reveal many unknown facts about these religions.

History of Witchcraft & Demonology
Catalog #: SKU2258

Investigation into the history of witchcraft and demonology from ancient times to the present, from around the world.

Mystery Babylon : The New World Order Unveiled
Catalog #: SKU2885

This book will take you on a spiritual journey of an ordinary man who comes face to face with a conspiracy so vast and so evil that he was suddenly faced with making decisions that could and did overturn an heretofore orderly, happy life with a wife and family into attacks that continue to this day. Only recently has he been able to martial the support and strength to continue.

Ruysbroeck Collection: A Christian Mystic
Catalog #: SKU3837

A collection of works translated into English from one of the rare Christian mystics whose manuscripts have survived the centuries. Those criticized for his lack of 'education' by theologians of his time and theologians of modern times, his works continue to transcend the mediocrity of religion and theology. Besides, when did the Master choose the 'educated scholar' as one of his disciples?

Adepts of Deceit - Volume 1
Catalog #: SKU0780

Without doubt, this book and the ensuing volumes will set a benchmark for exposing the Agenda that is laid before us. The truth's herein will shock you, and may even terrify you. Do not be deceived into thinking that conspiracies do not exist-they do; Jesus was conspired against, as was J.F.K, as was Caesar. One thing you can be certain of after reading this great work is that there is hope for us all who are willing to believe after presented with the facts. Read the book and you will know.

Adepts of Deceit - Volume 2
Catalog #: SKU0783

There are going to be some interesting topics concerning the way banks conduct business and the most important part is how they conduct the business of others. To the uninitiated reader some of these procedures are going to be a very nasty surprise. The things I learned and therefore sharing with you had upset me greatly. Being sold out was not supposed to be an option of the American Dream. If people knew this on a whole, how far would the rage reach?

Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, and Revelations
Catalog #: SKU3006

Over 500 pages of the 'Hidden' messages of the New Testament. These books were stricken from the canon, but for what reason? political?

Aurora - Morning-Redness in the Rising of the Sun
Catalog #: SKU3008

THE books of this author, that are already published, declare sufficiently the high worth of his deep writings: But of all the benefits that do accrue thereby it is one inestimable excellency of them that they help the minds of all sorts of people, that will take pains to read and consider them, in the understanding of the holy Scriptures: and that satisfactorily and convincingly, without need of any reference to the vast commentaries of authors, either in the learned or modern tongues.

Conjugial Love And Its Chaste Delights
Catalog #: SKU2659

I doubt anyone ever understood the carnal conjugial love more than Swedenborg. His view was spiritual, esoteric, and meaningful. If modern christianity had adopted these views, perhaps there would be a reason for that religion to exist.

Inner Earth People - Outer Space People
Catalog #: SKU2054

Is there Biblical confirmation of a hollow earth or underground civilizations? Or scriptural reference to UFOs and/or other worlds of people? This preacher's research may indicate there actually is Biblical support for these ideas.

Hidden Wisdom of Christ and the Key of Knowledge
Catalog #: SKU2335

History of the Apocrypha : The teachings purported from the Christ were not always original, but were truths taken from many sources. Explore these with this author.

Magdalene Legacy - The Jesus and Mary Bloodline Conspiracy
Catalog #: SKU1040

Laurence Gardner's historical detective story on the suppressed archives of Jesus, Mary Magdalene and their hidden lineage first began in his 1996 worldwide bestseller Bloodline of the Holy Grail. Since then, these controversial themes have been taken up in the world of fiction with the bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code, triggering a new and heated debate about the mysterious life of Mary Magdalene.

Science of Evil
Catalog #: SKU2588

The origins of evil researched. Is the church itself a retardant or the promulgator of evil as we know it?

Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ (LARGE PRINT EDITION)
Catalog #: SKU2223

The Aquarian Gospel was a huge hit, challenging the monopoly of Orthodox Christianity on Jesus when it was first published. Is it time now to revisit the teachings of this mysterious book?
