Spirituality-Religions Christianity Embraced


Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Days Before Tommorrow

Christianity Embraced


Six Theosophic Points
Catalog #: SKU3147

An Open Gate of all the Secrets of Life Wherein the Causes of all Beings Become Known; Six Mystical Points

Spiritual Life and the Word of God
Catalog #: SKU3195

Spiritual life is acquired solely by a life according to the commandments in the Word. These commandments are given in summary in the Decalogue, namely, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet the goods of others. These commandments are the commandments that are to be done, for when a man does these his works are good and his life is spiritual, and for the reason that so far as a man shuns evils and hates them so far he wills and loves goods. Large print 15 point font.

Supersensual Life
Catalog #: SKU3196

Behmen says "The Eternal Darkness of the Soul is Hell, viz.: an aching source of anguish, which is called the Anger of God, but the Eternal Light in the Soul is the Kingdom of Heaven, where the fiery anguish of darkness is turned into joy. Large print 15 point font.

United States In The Light Of Prophecy
Catalog #: SKU1336

If we read the signs of the times aright, events are soon to transpire of such a nature as to preclude the necessity of any apology for the publication of what is contained in the following pages.

After Death - Disembodied Man
Catalog #: SKU3977

One of the best books ever written about what happens to man after he dies. The experience almost feels real as you read the philosophy of the Rosicrucian, in the manner this author employs.

As A Man Thinketh & The Way of Peace (2 Books in 1 Volume- Large Print)
Catalog #: SKU3350

THE aphorism, "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he," not only embraces the whole of a man's being, but is so comprehensive as to reach out to every condition and circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.

Confessions of Jacob Boehme
Catalog #: SKU3026

Truly a testimony of how Boehme came to study and learn the mystical arts of Christianity and spirituality

Hieroglyphic Bible & The New Hieroglyphic Bible
Catalog #: SKU3051

Two Hieroglyph Bibles in one book, 800 illustrations. Facsimile reprints from an 1870 edition and a 1794 edition. While meant for children, this book has a lot of Christian symbols and icons.

Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright
Catalog #: SKU0830

An analysis of the Prophecies of the Scriptures in regard to the Royal Family of Judah and the many nations of Israel, the Lost Ten Tribes. Rare book first printed in 1902. A notable and immensely significant sign of the times is the revival of interest in Old Testament prophecy that is beginning to be strongly felt in Anglo-Saxon countries.

Life of Jehoshua : The Prophet of Nazareth
Catalog #: SKU3064

A very unique look and study into the life of the Christ.

Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick
Catalog #: SKU3821

The present volume has three objects in view: first, to present the life of Saint Patrick without writing a history of the national church which he founded or introducing irrelevant matter; secondly, to place his life and character before the reader as they have been handed down to us in the most ancient extant documents, without overcoating or withholding anything in the originals; and, thirdly, to deliver to the public at as low a price as possible the original documents grouped together.

Sacred History of the Deluge
Catalog #: SKU2418

A complete 1836 study into the Biblical flood.. its reality, factualness, and its evidences. Corroborated by Tradition, Mytholgy, and Geology

Sakmhaiel : A Soul of the Heavens
Catalog #: SKU1427

MANY OF THE PEOPLE who have had occasion to read this, after the first publication, have all asked the same questions. "What philosophy are you advocating? Where did you get your information? What qualifies you to write such a book?"

Science and the Infinite - Through A Window In The Blank Wall
Catalog #: SKU1999

The study of ancient and modern philosophic theories is useful as showing how impossible it is, for even the greatest thinkers of any age, to grasp the Absolute with our understanding or to measure the Infinite with our finite units. The propounders of all these theories seem to me to be, without exception, looking in the wrong direction for the "Reality of Being"; they are all arguing from the standpoint of "Intellectualism" in a similar manner to that of the "Theologians"

Secret of Swedenborg
Catalog #: SKU2743

Swedenborg, a mystic Christian, views the religion of Christ with a more encompassing view of life and nature than fundamentalist illiteracy. His studies and views still confound scholars and theologians.
