Christianity Embraced
The Days Before Tommorrow expands on the details in "Mysteries of the Pyramid," bringing the author's view of how Christianity plays a role in the prophecies. Admittedly the theories are not typical mainstream theologies which are popular today in Christianity, but Lewis has researched and presented his views very well in an easy to read format.
The Days Before Tommorrow expands on the details in "Mysteries of the Pyramid," bringing the author's view of how Christianity plays a role in the prophecies. Admittedly the theories are not typical mainstream theologies which are popular today in Christianity, but Lewis has researched and presented his views very well in an easy to read format.
Written in 1830, Sir Walter Scott reveals mankind's history with demons and witches. This is an exhaustive study into demons and witches in the ancient religions.
Is the hollow earth Satan's domain and kingdom?
A quick study into the life of one of the early Christian fathers and his influence on the religion, and his attempt to harmonize the Gospels.
There is an age old mystery concerning Jesus of the Talmud. GRS Mead fully explores the matter and the parallels are too many to ignore.
But what, it may be asked, was the nature of this teaching, supposed to have been handed down by tradition as having been delivered by the first Apostles?
Few Christians ever read the 'very' earliest writings of the founders of the 'religion' of Christianity. The leaders of early Christianity were men and women of few 'written' words, and the Catholic church has destroyed and/or hidden those 'few' words since its organization. The Protestants continue the coverups and prefer their ranks to remain loyal and passionate with ignorance, like its mother, the Catholic Church.
Study the symbolism within the three major religions of China. Written by a Christian missionary preacher, intended to expose these religions as evil and idolatrous, the author did however reveal many unknown facts about these religions.
A Christian spiritual, and mystical look at the mythology of Adam, Eve and the Garden of Eden.
This may be the only translation of the New Testament that attempts to bring in the emphasis from the ancient Greek language to the English reader.
An archeological discovery made possible by the spirit writing of a medium. A verified psychic case, that proves that science doesn't have all the answers... yet.
Where did the Eucharist come from? A short study into its origins.
This was a tractlet written in 1849, warning the churches about the sins of the church going into business and fleecing the flock for money, at the disadvantage of main street businesses. Obviously this author was 100% correct, since the church is merely another corporation working the profit angles, instead of preaching the gospel.