Christianity Embraced
THIS book is a true mystical mirror of the highest wisdom. The best treasure that a man can attain unto in this world is true knowledge; even the knowledge of himself: For man is the great mystery of God, the microcosm, or the complete abridgment of the whole universe
A kind of mysterious veil hangs over the manner in which spiritual needs were satisfied during the older civilisations by those who sought a deeper religious life and fuller knowledge than the popular religions offered. If we inquire how these needs were satisfied, we find ourselves led into the dim twilight of the mysteries, and the individual seeking them disappears for a time from our observation.
Conspiracy Journal brings back to print the long needed research of James George Frazer. There is a massive amount of research and analysis in this 225 page reprint! This one should be in the library of every free-thinker and truth-seeker.
We are experiencing quantum leaps forward as our galaxy moves "from one parking place to an-other" in the coming years. Everything changes! David assists us in our deeper understanding of life's mysteries. Our perceptions of time, space, dimen-sions and connectivity with all-that-is are heightened by this revelatory work. Much like Robbie the Robot heralded in an era of new science fiction, David her-alds in an understanding of the past and welcomes the future. His unique path and dedicated teaching approach will be long remembered by future generations.
Clichés... clichés... clichés! Some people speak in nothing else, but sometime they seem to serve better than anything else to illustrate a point or make a difficult message more easily understood.
It is always an interesting footnote to history that most major religions of today and of antiquity have a link back to Egypt, the Plains of Gizeh, and/or the Great Pyramid. Whether it be that link of Jesus to Egypt, the Jews and Egypt, or August Caesar, there has indeed been a connection and correlation between these and Egypt.
The subtle intuitive perception of the psychological basis of the social position, the analysis of the frame of mind of oppressors and oppressed, and of the intoxication of Authority and Servility, as well as the purely descriptive passages in the last chapter -- these could only have come from the author of "War and Peace."
The seeds of the Gnosis were originally of Indian growth, carried so far westward by the influence of that Buddhistic movement which had previously overspread all the East, from Thibet to Ceylon, was the great truth faintly discerned by Matter, but which became evident to me upon acquiring even a slight acquaintance with the chief doctrines of Indian theosophy.
In 1881, an Irish clergyman, Rev. G. J. Ouseley, claimed to have discovered the Original Gospel from which the present Four Gospels were derived. He claimed this original gospel "was hidden by some of the Essene Community for safety from the hands of the corrupters, and is now for the first time translated from the Aramaic."
MANY OF THE PEOPLE who have had occasion to read this, after the first publication, have all asked the same questions. "What philosophy are you advocating? Where did you get your information? What qualifies you to write such a book?"
A few years ago the subject-matter of the present volume might have been condensed into a few pages. Beyond what we would gather from the Old Testament, we knew but little about the history and geography of Canaan before the age of its conquest by the Israelites.
If we read the signs of the times aright, events are soon to transpire of such a nature as to preclude the necessity of any apology for the publication of what is contained in the following pages.
History of Mar Matthew and Mar Andrew - History of Philip the Apostle - The Decease of Saint John the Apostle - History of John the Son of Zebedee - -The History of Thecla - Acts of Judas Thomas - The Doctrine of Addai the Apostle - The Chronicle of Edessa - The Chronicle of John Bishop of Nikiu
Laurence Gardner's historical detective story on the suppressed archives of Jesus, Mary Magdalene and their hidden lineage first began in his 1996 worldwide bestseller Bloodline of the Holy Grail. Since then, these controversial themes have been taken up in the world of fiction with the bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code, triggering a new and heated debate about the mysterious life of Mary Magdalene.
Exposed at last is a subject surrounded in mystery and controversy. Are we living in the time of Biblical Prophecy? The Reign of the Anti-Christ? And the Battle of Armageddon?