Spirituality-Religions Christianity Embraced


Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Days Before Tommorrow

Christianity Embraced


Mark of the Beast
Catalog #: SKU2058

After the Lord's Second Coming, what will happen to those left behind? What will the Tribulation period be like? What will happen during the reign of the Antichrist? What is meant by "The Mark of the Beast"? What will be the fate of those who refuse to bear this mark?

Inner Earth People - Outer Space People
Catalog #: SKU2054

Is there Biblical confirmation of a hollow earth or underground civilizations? Or scriptural reference to UFOs and/or other worlds of people? This preacher's research may indicate there actually is Biblical support for these ideas.

Science and the Infinite - Through A Window In The Blank Wall
Catalog #: SKU1999

The study of ancient and modern philosophic theories is useful as showing how impossible it is, for even the greatest thinkers of any age, to grasp the Absolute with our understanding or to measure the Infinite with our finite units. The propounders of all these theories seem to me to be, without exception, looking in the wrong direction for the "Reality of Being"; they are all arguing from the standpoint of "Intellectualism" in a similar manner to that of the "Theologians"

Doctrine of Addai The Apostle
Catalog #: SKU1997

Few Christians ever read the 'very' earliest writings of the founders of the 'religion' of Christianity. The leaders of early Christianity were men and women of few 'written' words, and the Catholic church has destroyed and/or hidden those 'few' words since its organization. The Protestants continue the coverups and prefer their ranks to remain loyal and passionate with ignorance, like its mother, the Catholic Church.

Last Twelve Verses of The Gospel According To Saint Mark
Catalog #: SKU1996

Very few Christians even know there is suspicion that the last verses of Mark were tampered with. Mark was not a 'favorite' of the Catholic Church, and I have no doubt that Mark's original writings were rewritten to satisfy the 'altered' christianity of the church. This author goes to great lengths to prove that all of Mark is authentic.

Book of the Bee, The
Catalog #: SKU1995

We have called this book the 'Book of the Bee,' because we have gathered of the blossoms of the two Testaments and of the flowers of the holy Books, and have placed them therein for thy benefit. As the common bee with gauzy wings flies about, and flutters over and lights upon flowers of various colours, and upon blossoms of divers odours---

Goal of Life, The
Catalog #: SKU1988

The facts in nature are the foundation out of which all consciousness and knowledge grow. Science is the outgrowth of these facts through careful investigation and study. Revelation is facts derived from the inner-consciousness- intuition- which is allied to the cause-world and is cognizant of the mind from which it originated, or from messengers (angels) from God.

Code of the Illuminati, The
Catalog #: SKU1981

Will not hell vomit forth its legions to applaud this last Spartacus, to contemplate in amazement this work of the Illuminizing Code?-Will not Satan exclaim, "Here then are men as I wished them. I drove them from Eden; Weishaupt has driven them to the forests. I taught them to offend their God; he has made them reject their God entirely.

War On The White Slave Trade
Catalog #: SKU1976

A complete and detailed account of the shameless traffic in young girls, the methods by which the procurers and panders lure innocent young girls away from home and sell them to keepers of dives. The magnitude of the organization and its workings. How to combat this hideous monster. How to save YOUR GIRL. How to save YOUR BOY. What you can do to help wipe out this curse of humanity. A book designed to awaken the sleeping and protect the innocent.

Secret Power of Words (Large Print Wide Margin Edition)
Catalog #: SKU1955

Words are SPOKEN as rewards from those we love, or used as weapons to cause hurt. Words inspire us. They form an atomic link of spirit to the very Presence of God. They evoke the very presence of evil. They can bring either miracles or mayhem, love or lust, health or sickness, gratification or utter despair.

Secret Power of Words
Catalog #: SKU1942

Words are SPOKEN as rewards from those we love, or used as weapons to cause hurt. Words inspire us. They form an atomic link of spirit to the very Presence of God. They evoke the very presence of evil. They can bring either miracles or mayhem, love or lust, health or sickness, gratification or utter despair.

Mystical Teachings of Dionysius the Areopagite
Catalog #: SKU1936

Dionysius was a learned and well-studied man, the first Bishop of the Athenian Christian church. He could have probably debated with the most scholarly Rabbi of his day. Dionysius writes about the 'mysteries' of the Christian religion, BEFORE the disciples of Jesus had all passed away. He was well acquainted with Saint Paul and Saint John

USURY : A Scriptural, Ethical and Economic View
Catalog #: SKU1931

It always befuddles my mind how modern Christians can take a half verse out of the Bible, regarding induced miscarriages and create an entire anti-abortion movement from it. YET, with the hundreds of references and condemnations of usury - money changing in the Bible, Christians ignore and disobey, with intent, all the scriptures regarding usury and the money changers.

Other Tongues Other Flesh
Catalog #: SKU1793

In more recent times, there has been a growing realization that on other worlds than ours, even in other universes, there are other living beings. The idea that earthbound man may someday journey into the heavens to discover other men and women, like or unlike himself, "grows by leaps and bounds. Within man's soul lies the truth--mortals exist on other spheres!

Wanderer In The Spirit Lands, A
Catalog #: SKU1767

I have had to write the words as fast as my pen could travel over the paper, and many of the experiences described and opinions advanced are quite contrary to what I myself believed to be in accordance with the conditions of life in the world of spirits.
