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Al Bielek has lead a life most would not choose to live. While many might think that time travel, meeting aliens, and working on secret projects are exciting ventures, Al paid a big price for the privilege.
Phil Schneider, a very brave man, lost his life due to what appeared to be a military-style execution in January 1996. He was found dead in his apartment with piano wire still wrapped around his neck. According to some sources, he had been brutally tortured repeated before being killed. Phil Schneider was an ex-government engineer who was involved in building underground bases.
Finally, here's the evidence! The US Government's own documents revealing it's involvement in MIND CONTROL projects. These classified documents, once hidden from public knowledge and scrutiny, under the 'guise' of National Security, are now showing the National Shame and National Abuse of WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, by their own government and its 'so-called' leaders.
19 hours of video : What happened to these people stretches the belief of the most jaded. Her recollection of being in Area 51 and Russia being only two of them. What goes on in these experiments defies the grossest of imaginations. It really takes courage to go public with this.
Are we making Holes In Heaven? HAARP (High Frequency Active Aural Research Program) is a controversial high frequency radio transmitter, or "ionospheric heater," which is believed to be descended from the works of Nikola Tesla and is operated by the U.S. Navy/Air Force and Phillips Laboratories in remote Gakona, Alaska.
An unprecedented view of the nexus of ingenuity, greed, high-mindedness, and hypocrisy that is American culture. He reveals the vast and fascinating workings of the shadow economy by focusing on marijuana, pornography, and illegal migrant workers.
An analysis of the September 11th Attack - Is the U.S. Government so incompetent that the 9-11 attack merely appears to be a scam? If so, a government of idiots is no better than a government of conspirators!
An analysis of the September 11th Attack - Is the U.S. Government so incompetent that the 9-11 attack merely appears to be a scam? If so, a government of idiots is no better than a government of conspirators!
Research for The War on Freedom was begun on September 11, 2001 and culminated in a contract with a major New York publisher. Despite passing a legal review and the excited interest of the editors, the book was suddenly canceled with the explanation that it may "upset the families of 9/11 victims." These families, as well as the public, deserve the truth, even if it is not "politically correct". Here are the uncensored facts, judge for yourself.
Producer Dennis Smith (William Harrity), though innocent of any wrongdoing, is financially ruined by a group of IRS agents intent on changing the tax standards for the entertainment industry.
This remarkable CD-ROM is a "must-have" tool for people wanting to find the wiser places to live in America during these increasingly uncertain times. There are over 550 color maps divided into five main categories as shown below. At least 70 of the maps are over 6 square feet each when printed out. They allow you to choose your own combination of priorities
Only by "exposing the creators" of the first Wold Trade Center bombing in (1993), could we have prevented the creation of the second bombing of the World Trade Center on 9-11. We failed to make it ..
It has been reported that Saddam Hussein believes himself to be the reincarnation of King Nebuchadnezzar, the babylonian monarch that tried to contact the prehistoric gods.
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