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Only by "exposing the creators" of the first Wold Trade Center bombing in (1993), could we have prevented the creation of the second bombing of the World Trade Center on 9-11. We failed to make it ..
Producer Dennis Smith (William Harrity), though innocent of any wrongdoing, is financially ruined by a group of IRS agents intent on changing the tax standards for the entertainment industry.
19 hours of video : What happened to these people stretches the belief of the most jaded. Her recollection of being in Area 51 and Russia being only two of them. What goes on in these experiments defies the grossest of imaginations. It really takes courage to go public with this.
In October 1943, the U.S. Navy secretly accomplished the teleportaion of a warship from Philadelphia to a dock near Norfold by successfully applying Einstein's Unified Field Theory.
Al Bielek has lead a life most would not choose to live. While many might think that time travel, meeting aliens, and working on secret projects are exciting ventures, Al paid a big price for the privilege.
This remarkable CD-ROM is a "must-have" tool for people wanting to find the wiser places to live in America during these increasingly uncertain times. There are over 550 color maps divided into five main categories as shown below. At least 70 of the maps are over 6 square feet each when printed out. They allow you to choose your own combination of priorities
Long shrouded in secrecy, the life of Nikola Tesla is artfully illuminated in this fascinating feature film. Tesla, born in Serbia in 1856, is considered the father of our modern technological age and one of the greatest scientific minds that ever lived.
He was an electrical engineer who changed the world with the invention of the AC (alternating current) induction motor, making the universal transmission and distribution of electricity possible.
This audio CD will introduce children to meditation and relaxation techniques and enhance their mind, body and spirit.
This set of CDs was transcribed and edited to make the book, NEW MAGIC ERA. My CD lectures explore the spirit of what magic is really all about: imagination and creating and going beyond provincial ideas about systems and patterns and foolish New Age imagery.
This outstanding meditation is regarded by many as the best Chakra Meditation available. Kerrie Edwards-Ticehurst introduces you to new levels of enlightenment and shows you how to work effectively with your personal energy centres.
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