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The attacks of Septemeber 11th - not the work of 'Bin Laden' - and the subsequent 'war on terrorism' are a means through which this is designed to be achieved.
On this amazing 60 minute CD, hear an actual member of Skull and Bones reveal the inner workings and motivations of this secret society and its members who many believe are out to control the world.
Recently, the Conspiracy Journal Media Network conducted an interview with an individual who has been a member of this secretive fraternity since the early 1970's
Exposed at last is a subject surrounded in mystery and controversy. Are we living in the time of Biblical Prophecy? The Reign of the Anti-Christ? And the Battle of Armageddon?
The public release of an Air Force commissioned research paper about the possibilities of teleportation was met with some brief attention from the press and scorn from the scientific community.
An overview account connecting modern secret societies and their control of government to include UFO issues back to the origins of humankind as recounted in the Sumerian tablets.
Alien Agenda includes never before seen documentation. Available in DVD almost 190 Min. of digital audio and video. Live footage shot at the 'Conspiracy From Marrs' Seminar
In October 1943, the U.S. Navy secretly accomplished the teleportaion of a warship from Philadelphia to a dock near Norfold by successfully applying Einstein's Unified Field Theory.
Exclusive Presentation Caught on video! The author of numerous alternative best sellers such as Incredible Technologies of the New World Order; Invisibility and levitation, and the Time Travel How-To-Guide, Commander X has kept a low profile, refusing to reveal his true identity except to say that he is a retired intelligence officer with close ties to the military and top-secret branches of the government.
Thousands of years ago, Stargate technology from an ancient alien civilization on Earth was lost. The keepers of this technology were regarded as gods. Mayan prophecy predicts that this lost Stargate technology will be rediscovered by the year 2012, marking the dawn of a new age, the birth of a new type of human, and a shift in the matrix of reality.
In this well-documented series, compelling evidence is presented that beyond creation, life, death, truth and even immortality, there is only one great cosmic secret
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