The Goddess By Women for Women


SAINT GERMAIN'S Mystical Quest for the Golden Age - Book 1 of a Trilogy
SAINT GERMAIN AND PORTIA'S Mystical Role as Directors for the Aquarian Age - Book 3 of a Trilogy
SAINT GERMAIN'S Mystical Quest for Freedom and Democracy - Book 2 of a Trilogy
Elysian Visits the Inner Earth
Gypsies at Secret Lake

By Women for Women


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Noviciate For Marriage, A
Catalog #: SKU3106

A plea for education of sex and other marital conditions before the act of marriage.

Lost Letters from Lesbos
Catalog #: SKU2203

Love letters written by a woman infatuated with the appeal of Lesbos.

Women as Sex Vendors
Catalog #: SKU2174

Why Women are Conservative and the Economic Status of Women - A short historical look at the status of women in society.

Sappho: A New Rendering
Catalog #: SKU3963

There is not a fragment of Sappho that is not surrounded in the mind of the reader by the rainbow of suggestion.

Damsel and the Sage
Catalog #: SKU2606

A bit of romantic fiction by the famed author, Elinor Glyn, from 1903, with proverbs and meanings for the thinking mind.

Proserpine and Midas
Catalog #: SKU1844

The editor came across the unpublished texts included in this volume as early as 1905. Perhaps he ought to apologize for delaying their appearance in print. The fact is he has long been afraid of overrating their intrinsic value. But as the great Shelley centenary year has come, perhaps this little monument of his wife's collaboration may take its modest place among the tributes which will be paid to his memory.

Marriage, As It Was, As It Is, As It Should Be
Catalog #: SKU4084

Restoring equality of woman in the marriage relationship and society through ancient law, Roman law, English law, from Annie Besant's Theosophical and Hindu background.

Menace of Prohibition
Catalog #: SKU3261

The remotest possibility of the success of such an unjust, un-American, illiberal and dangerous form of tyranny in government, should alarm the American people beyond and above every other question, even that of war; and should set them to the task of a close analysis of the subject and trend of Prohibition.

Morality of Woman, The
Catalog #: SKU3224

The simplest formula for the new conception of morality, which is beginning to be opposed to moral dogma still esteemed by all society, but especially by women, might be summed up in these words:
Love is moral even without legal marriage, but marriage is immoral without love.

How to Cook Husbands
Catalog #: SKU2895

A humorous method of teaching young girls the facts of life about husbands.

Moral Conversations and Stories
Catalog #: SKU3816

"I believe those who examine their own minds, will readily agree with me, that reason, with difficulty, conquers settled habits, even when it is arrived at some degree of maturity: why then do we suffer children to be bound with fetters, which their half-formed faculties cannot break."

Secret History Revealed by Lady Peggy O'Malley
Catalog #: SKU1806

A Quality fiction reprint from TGS Publishing. A Romance novel with all the elements of intrigue and mystery

Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes & Home Made Candy Recipes
Catalog #: SKU3287

The term "Cocoa," a corruption of "Cacao," is almost universally used in English-speaking countries to designate the seeds of the small tropical tree known to botanists as THEOBROMA CACAO, from which a great variety of preparations under the name of cocoa and chocolate for eating and drinking are made. The name "Chocolatl" is nearly the same in most European languages, and is taken from the Mexican name of the drink, "Chocolate" or "Cacahuatl."

Woman's Confessional, A
Catalog #: SKU3010

A unique collection of precepts for women by a woman who live through the age of enlightenment that made pathways into equal woman's rights. Though the author doesn't claim to be a part of the the movement, her insights are spiritually enlightening to the woman who chooses not to accept the role and yoke placed on her by a man-ruled society.

You Can Heal Your Life
Catalog #: SKU0168

There is an incredible power and intelligence within you constantly responding to your thoughts and words. As you learn to control your mind by the conscious choice of thoughts, you align yourself with this power.

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