Spirituality-Religions Beyond Christianity


Deon Chronicles
Crucifixion of the Truth
Lobsang Rampa : New Age Trailblazer
A Dangerous Book
Secret Power of Words
Jesus - Last of the Great Pharoahs

Beyond Christianity


Power of the Dragon
Catalog #: SKU0726

The Power of the Dragon is a masterpiece of incredible information based on the esoteric power of the nodes of the moon. Free of mathematical jargon, this book divulges the secrets of what it means to be human. More insights and discernment is induced by the Dragon than in an entire conventional astrological chart.

Contact With the Other World
Catalog #: SKU1211

The present volume endeavors to treat every aspect of the problem regarding a future life and especially emphasizes a large mass of facts that ought to have cumulative weight in deciding the issue. The facts consist of both spontaneous and experimental experiences, the latter designed not only to add to the force of the evidence, but to suggest more problems than the mere fact of survival. It has not been possible to exhaust any one subject in the field. That would require several volumes.

Secret Lore of India - One Perfect Life for All
Catalog #: SKU2467

From the oldest records, man's history was preserved in quite complete detail by ancient civilizations in the Indus valley. Their secrets parallel many of the same secrets held by the Jewish Kaballa and other mystical teachings. Perhaps if more would look behind the veil of our past, we'd find the secret to our future.

Simplicity in Spirit
Catalog #: SKU1862

Simplicity in Spirit should relate to all things in life; blocks can and do occur due to our human mind and nature. I

Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ (LARGE PRINT EDITION)
Catalog #: SKU2223

The Aquarian Gospel was a huge hit, challenging the monopoly of Orthodox Christianity on Jesus when it was first published. Is it time now to revisit the teachings of this mysterious book?

Of the Election of Grace (Large print)
Catalog #: SKU3058

It shows how the Texts of Scripture are to be understood which treat of Fallen lost Adam, and of the New Birth from Christ: BEING A short Declaration and Introduction concerning the highest Ground, showing how Man may attain Divine Skill and Knowledge.

Magdalene Legacy - The Jesus and Mary Bloodline Conspiracy
Catalog #: SKU1040

Laurence Gardner's historical detective story on the suppressed archives of Jesus, Mary Magdalene and their hidden lineage first began in his 1996 worldwide bestseller Bloodline of the Holy Grail. Since then, these controversial themes have been taken up in the world of fiction with the bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code, triggering a new and heated debate about the mysterious life of Mary Magdalene.

Sexual Life in Ancient India
Catalog #: SKU2643

An exhaustive study into the normalcy of sex in ancient India's lifestyle and religions. The openness of sexual activity makes one wish you could live in such a society in modern times.

Conjugial Love And Its Chaste Delights
Catalog #: SKU2659

I doubt anyone ever understood the carnal conjugial love more than Swedenborg. His view was spiritual, esoteric, and meaningful. If modern christianity had adopted these views, perhaps there would be a reason for that religion to exist.

Deon Chronicles
Catalog #: SKU3587

This book is one of many written by this world renowned author, who in more recent years has turned his research toward those appendices of Science that uncover the unknown of God and His Universe.

Holy Ma'navi, The (Masnavi) Paragraph English Edition
Catalog #: SKU1884

Few in the western world know who the Rumi was - His genius and philosophical thought could be equated with that of Rashi of Judaism or St. Augustine of Christianity. Rumi is the 'true' mystic of Islam, and is accredited with being the founder of the sect called Dervishes, whose dancing has thrilled audiences around the world.

Holy Ma'navi, The (Masnavi) Versed English Edition
Catalog #: SKU1885

Few in the western world know who the Rumi was - His genius and philosophical thought could be equated with that of Rashi of Judaism or St. Augustine of Christianity. Rumi is the 'true' mystic of Islam, and is accredited with being the founder of the sect called Dervishes, whose dancing has thrilled audiences around the world.

Life Of Reason - The Forbidden Knowledge Series
Catalog #: SKU1609

Whatever forces may govern human life, if they are to be recognised by man, must betray themselves in human experience. Progress in science or religion, no less than in morals and art, is a dramatic episode in man's career, a welcome variation in his habit and state of mind; although this variation may often regard or propitiate things external, adjustment to which may be important for his welfare. 5 books in one volume.

New Encyclopedia of the Occult
Catalog #: SKU0739

From Aarab Zereq to Zos Kia Cultus, this is the most up-to-date, comprehensive guide to the history, philosophies, and personalities of Western occultism.

Written by an occult scholar and practitioner with the assistance of hundreds of experts in the field, this volume presents the latest in scholarly research and points out errors in previous writings-revealing truths much more interesting and dramatic than the fictional histories that obscured them.

New Planet, The
Catalog #: SKU2022

People look into puzzling mysteries and try to find an underlying harmony. They think: If we have harmony, then we have peace. If we have harmony, then we have love. If we have harmony, then we have spiritual illumination. If we have harmony, then we have salvation.
