Spirituality-Religions Beyond Christianity


Deon Chronicles
Crucifixion of the Truth
Lobsang Rampa : New Age Trailblazer
A Dangerous Book
Secret Power of Words
Jesus - Last of the Great Pharoahs

Beyond Christianity


Union Haggadah, The
Catalog #: SKU1977

It matters not whether the Passover and the Exodus are stories of a vivid imagination, folk lore of old, mythology, or actual historical fact. Regardless of its origin, nothing defines Judaism, or the Jew more than the tradition of Pesach (Passover) and the Seder Celebrations.

Goal of Life, The
Catalog #: SKU1988

The facts in nature are the foundation out of which all consciousness and knowledge grow. Science is the outgrowth of these facts through careful investigation and study. Revelation is facts derived from the inner-consciousness- intuition- which is allied to the cause-world and is cognizant of the mind from which it originated, or from messengers (angels) from God.

Science and the Infinite - Through A Window In The Blank Wall
Catalog #: SKU1999

The study of ancient and modern philosophic theories is useful as showing how impossible it is, for even the greatest thinkers of any age, to grasp the Absolute with our understanding or to measure the Infinite with our finite units. The propounders of all these theories seem to me to be, without exception, looking in the wrong direction for the "Reality of Being"; they are all arguing from the standpoint of "Intellectualism" in a similar manner to that of the "Theologians"

Chapters of Life
Catalog #: SKU2012

Tim Beckley's Inner Light brings another of the Rampa books back to the forefront of attention by truth seekers, and for those interested in the study of the spiritual. A baby who was to become a Great Disciple of the soon-to-be Leader of Man. Yet again in another city where East meets West, and both are soiled thereby, a two-year-old baby boy solemnly fingered the yellowed leaves of an ancient book.

New Planet, The
Catalog #: SKU2022

People look into puzzling mysteries and try to find an underlying harmony. They think: If we have harmony, then we have peace. If we have harmony, then we have love. If we have harmony, then we have spiritual illumination. If we have harmony, then we have salvation.

Saffron Robe
Catalog #: SKU2023

Incredible reprint from Inner Light of Rampa's best! STRANGE shadows rippled before my uncaring gaze, undulating across my vision like colorful phantoms from some remote, pleasant world. The sun-dappled water lay tranquil inches from my face.

Catalog #: SKU2024

It is the earnest desire of the author of this Monitor to discover that all the Commanderies invest the beautiful, instructive and entertaining Order of the Red Cross with the interest its importance demands. The Ritual provides ample opportunity for the display of true dramatic taste, both in robing and in reading.

Catalog #: SKU2050

Nothing more strangely indicates an enormous and silent evil of modern society than the extraordinary use which is made nowadays of the word "orthodox." In former days the heretic was proud of not being a heretic. It was the kingdoms of the world and the police and the judges who were heretics.

New Avatar, The
Catalog #: SKU2063

After more than twenty years of continuous and careful study since the foregoing was written, I must still confirm and emphasize these basic propositions to-day. The attempt is herein made to apply them more particularly to the study of Psychology. To add to what was then discerned and designated as "the Modulus of Nature," an exact and comprehensive Theorem of Psychology.

Thunderhead Cantos
Catalog #: SKU2079

I wrote the poems for The Thunderhead Cantos over a long period of time. The bulk of the work was done in six years. Then there was a lot of re-arranging of pieces. Finally, I decided I wanted to present it as a reading, rather than as text, so I recorded it.

Syrian Christ
Catalog #: SKU2166

A look at the Oriental/Occidental history of the Christ.

Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ
Catalog #: SKU2188

The Aquarian Gospel was a huge hit, challenging the monopoly of Orthodox Christianity on Jesus when it was first published. Is it time now to revisit the teachings of this mysterious book?

Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ (LARGE PRINT EDITION)
Catalog #: SKU2223

The Aquarian Gospel was a huge hit, challenging the monopoly of Orthodox Christianity on Jesus when it was first published. Is it time now to revisit the teachings of this mysterious book?

Catalog #: SKU2320

William Oribello was one of the unsung adepts of our age, teaching people the occult, the arcane, the mysteries, magick, kaballah, spell making, etc. These two books now reprinted by Timothy Green Beckley's Inner Light Publications are very rare indeed.

Reincarnation and The Law of Karma
Catalog #: SKU2370

By "Reincarnation" we mean the repeated incarnation, or embodiment in flesh, of the soul or immaterial part of man's nature. The term "Metempsychosis" is frequently employed in the same sense, the definition of the latter term being: "The passage of the soul, as an immortal essence, at the death of the body, into another living body."
