Ancient Mysteries Atlantis-Lemuria


Atlantis Conspiracy
Emerald Tablets of Thoth



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Atlantis Today and Tomorrow
Catalog #: SKU0886

This rare little book is from noted historian and esotericist Colonel J.F.C. Fuller. This copy was part of a published series titled Today and Tommorrow. The copy we had was titled Atlantis: America and the Future.

This book has been scanned as a special historical reprint project and no other formatting to the original text was attempted.

Atlantis the Antidiluvian World
Catalog #: SKU0857

Many great and wonderful deeds are recorded of your State in our histories; but one of them exceeds all the rest in greatness and valor; for these histories tell of a mighty power which was aggressing wantonly against the whole of Europe and Asia, and to which your city put an end. This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean

Atlantis Studies
Catalog #: SKU3487

Overlooked research, pro and con, on the missing continent or island of Atlantis.

Atlantis in America
Catalog #: SKU0885

This book has been scanned as a special historical reprint project and no other formatting to the original text was attempted.

Atlantis Conspiracy
Catalog #: SKU0506

THE ATLANTIS CONSPIRACY summarizes the evidence that the world today is slowly coming under the control of a group of conspirators whose secret organization began some 12,000 years ago in legendary Atlantis. This book "connects the dots", showing the pattern behind UFOs, the paranormal, lost civilizations, and sinister events such as the Kennedy assassination.

Atlantis : The Book of Angels
Catalog #: SKU1892

All very ancient legend and the most rudimentary history, the vague allusions of Plato, Aristotle and Seneca, speak of a country in the Western Ocean, which would scarcely be likely to be the distant Americas; and I think we may accept those legends as to a land existing in what is now the Atlantic Ocean at about the period discussed, remembering that after all legend is oral history and starts with some foundations.

Atlantis : America and The Future
Catalog #: SKU0719

If America is to be saved, it is her women who will save her, for they can hold their own with any of their foreign sisters-they are quite wonderful !

A Bit of Atlantis
Catalog #: SKU2421

An interesting study of the Lost Atlantis, not one usually presented.

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