Science Mysteries
In the late 1800s, a mysterious artifact of ancient America was uncovered and dubbed the "Lenape Stone." Many stories, true and false ones, circulated throughout America. -- This author did his own research and gives an objective analysis.
EARLY in the month of July 1861 I was enabled, by the kind permission of my friend David Balfour, Esq. of Balfour and Trenaby, to put in execution a scheme long contemplated, but from various circumstances unavoidably delayed, the excavation of some of the great tumuli in the neighbourhood of the Stones of Stennes, or Ring of Brogar.
Home Of The Underground Dwellers and Ancient Gods - There is no place-certainly not in North America-that is more shrouded in mystery, so cloaked in enigma, to be found anywhere else in the world. With stories of the lost continent of Lemuria, to a landing base for UFOs, to the capital of the underworld known as Telos-this magical mountain attracts thousands each year. Some come just for the scenic beauty, others for a spiritual experience. (40 Meg PDF File)
A quick study into the symbology and meaning of the Great Pyramid
For the greater part of men are ignorant even of this most common and ordinary thing, for what reason priests lay aside their hair and go in linen garments.
Leland, on his visit to Bath in the year 1530, with tolerable fulness describes the baths, and after completing his description of the King's Bath goes on to say "Ther goith a sluse out of this Bath and servid in Tymes past with Water derivid out of it 2 places in Bath Priorie usid for Bathes: els voide; for in them be no springes;" and further on he says "The water that goith from the Kinges Bath turnith a Mylle and after goith into Avon above Bath-bridge." -- Large Print 17 point font.
Translation of a manuscript of Holy Scriptures of the Avestans. In the name of God {yazdan} and the good creation may there be the good health, long life, and abundant wealth of all the good and the right. doers specially for him whose writing I am.
he interest that has always attached itself to Stonehenge has, without doubt, been in a great measure due to the mystery as to the origin of this unique monument of bygone time.
The Temple of Solomon, known as the House of God was, in some respects, the most wonderful building constructed by human craft. The biblical reference of the Temple conveys to the reader, its granduer and holiness, but reveals so few details that little hope was held of ever producing an accurate reconstruction.
A bit of a different look at the Bible and the Pyramid. Most of the theorists look at the Pyramid as an extension of the Bible. This author takes the view that the Bible is the key to the Pyramid.
The re-discovered ancient city of the Edomites that was lost for over a thousand years and only re-discovered in the 19th Century. From beneath the shifting sands that cover ancient Petra has emerged evidence that has shed light on the city and its people . . . a people woven intermittently across the pages of the Bible.
A complete study and history of the Seven great wonders of man's industry and imagination of the ancient world.
Letters on the relationship of the Pyramid to measure and its kaballistic connections.
The first tale of Khamuas is remarkable from every point of view. It is one of the finest works of imagination that Egypt has bequeathed to us; it belongs to the best period of demotic writing, when the script was at once full and expressive yet free from corruptions and superfluities, and the existing copy contains very few mistakes.
The Ultimate Human Experience The interaction between mankind and spiritual beings - of Divine Encounters -- as recorded in scriptures and ancient texts provides a powerful drama that spans Heaven and Earth, involving worship and devotion, eternity and mortality, love and sex, jealousy and murder. But how much of these are based on real happenings and how much is based on myth?