Spirituality-Religions Ancient Religions


Large Print Apocrypha
Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Bible Spells
Sealed Magical Book of Moses
Lobsang Rampa : New Age Trailblazer
Books of Enoch

Ancient Religions


Esoteric Explorations
Catalog #: SKU4123

Take a very close and piercing look at the phenomena known as religion and science, and as I'll introduce a fascinating cast of curious characters you may not have met before.

Islam: Her Moral and Spiritual Value
Catalog #: SKU4114

Moslems, laymen and scholars, will probably not agree with some of Major Leonard's remarks in his outline of the Prophet's character and temperament; but they must all acknowledge his sincerity. He describes Mohammed as a great and true man-great not only as a teacher, but as a patriot and statesman; a material as well as a spiritual builder, who constructed a nation and an enduring Faith, which holds, to a greater degree than most others, the hearts of millions of human beings; a man true to himself and his people, but above all to his God.

Catalog #: SKU4113

Ms. Besant teaches why initiation is an important step into the mysteries.

Songs of the Master: Bhavagad Gita (Large Print)
Catalog #: SKU4112

A good translation of the Bhagavad Gita, with its history, and explanations of its meanings.

Songs of the Master: Bhavagad Gita
Catalog #: SKU4111

A good translation of the Bhagavad Gita, with its history, and explanations of its meanings.

Doctrine of the Heart
Catalog #: SKU4110

Extracts from Hindu letters.

Study in Karma
Catalog #: SKU4109

Ms. Besant teaches how Karma is affecting mankind in all world events.

Catalog #: SKU4108

Ms. Besant teaches the Indian philosophy and Kabbalistic views of reincarnation.

Building of the Kosmos
Catalog #: SKU4107

Ms. Besant teaches the Indian philosophy about how the Kosmos came into being from the Puranas and Vedic writings.

Laws of the Higher Life
Catalog #: SKU4106

Ms. Besant teaches about Consciousness, Duty, and Sacrifice.

Birth and Evolution of the Soul
Catalog #: SKU4105

The lady mystic traces the progress of the soul.

Ancient Wisdom (Besant Facsimile)
Catalog #: SKU4100

This famous Theosophist studies into the Ancient Wisdom and knowledge upon which Theosophy was originally founded upon.

Karma, Dharma, Nirvana, Amitabha
Catalog #: SKU4098

Four Indian Philosophies explained by famous Monist, Paul Carus.

Karma, Nirvana, and Yama
Catalog #: SKU4094

Lessons by Paul Carus, the Famous Monist, into Karma and Nirvana, while Monist J. Muir teaches about Yama, or the future-life.

Three Paths To Union With God
Catalog #: SKU4091

Again this master teacher in few words, adeptly explains the Three Paths or Three Margas; Karma, Jnana, and Bhakti (Action, Wisdom, Devotion).
