Ancient Religions
Ms. Besant teaches the Indian philosophy about how the Kosmos came into being from the Puranas and Vedic writings.
An odd but critical view of the Gita, suggesting that it and the Vedas were influenced by the Gospels.
An exploration into the spiritual side of the Qabalah. The author presents the Qabalah, as a study, meditation, and prayer system that is applicable to any person of any religion.
The object of the Editors of is a very definite one. They desire above all things that, in their humble way, these books shall be the ambassadors of goodwill and understanding between East and West-the old world of Thought and the new of Action. In this endeavour, and in their own sphere, they are but followers of the highest example in the land.
Ms. Besant teaches why initiation is an important step into the mysteries.
The aim of this little book is to present in brief outline some of the leading conceptions of the religion familiar since the Christian Era under the name Judaism.
India is the mysterious land chosen as her own by Kundalini, The Mother of the Universe. What we read in old histories and Holy Bibles, and the records, can be seen there today.
The thoughtful student, in scanning the religious history of the race, has one fact continually forced upon his notice, viz., that there is an invariable tendency to deify whomsoever shows himself superior to the weakness of our common humanity. Look where we will, we find the saint-like man exalted into a divine personage and worshipped for a god.
The ancient science of palmistry has long fascinated those who seek to examine the past and discovered what the future holds. For answers to the questions we all have about life- from love, marriage and children to health, career and talents- we need look no further than the palm of our hands.
Historical Reprint : A look at the history and the view of the Ancient Egyptians of the afterlife.
This famous and marvellous Sanskrit poem occurs as an episode of the Mahabharata, in the sixth--or "Bhishma"--Parva of the great Hindoo epic. It enjoys immense popularity and authority in India, where it is reckoned as one of the "Five Jewels,"--pancharatnani--of Devanagiri literature.
Transcripts From The Official Records Of The Guernsey Royal Court, With An English Translation And Historical Introduction. - A study of the withcraft and devil lore once prevalent in the Channel Islands.
The reader will find this work contains the records of spiritual truths, the secret doctrine or eternal teaching of the Munis and Rishis, of India. The ideals are wonderfully clear.
This sameness is the mystery, Mystery within mystery; The door to all marvels.
A full and complete translation of this epic work from the ancients. 75 illustrations with many extra pics added by TGS that artists during the past 2000 years have imagined these characters in their lives and tales.