Spirituality-Religions Ancient Religions


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Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Bible Spells
Sealed Magical Book of Moses
Lobsang Rampa : New Age Trailblazer
Books of Enoch

Ancient Religions


Religion of Ancient Rome
Catalog #: SKU1360

The conditions of our knowledge of the native religion of early Rome may perhaps be best illustrated by a parallel from Roman arch

Catalog #: SKU3211

I have been led into a train of thought, having as its basis a more philosophical treatment of the meaning of the scarab

Sex Worship : Exposition of the Phallic Origin of Religion
Catalog #: SKU2157

Are your sex organs the origin of your religion?

Sex Worship and Symbolism of Primitive Races
Catalog #: SKU3170

My main object has been to give the life history of a primitive motive in the development of the race, and to emphasize the dynamic significance of this motive. Later other motives may be dealt with in more detail if it is proved that both in normal and abnormal psychology we may best understand the mental development of the individual through our knowledge of the development of the race. ~ Author

Weaver of Worlds
Catalog #: SKU0523

From Navajo Apprenticeship to Sacred Geometry and Dreams : In the Sioux system, the numbers one through five are called the left-hand count and each of the numbers has symbolic associations. One is the sun, two is the earth, three is plants, four is animals, five is the human being. The left-hand count is associated with the left half of the human being, which is said to be the receptive side, embracing the world of human experience. A drummer, for example, holds a hand drum with the left, or receptive, hand.

YOGA SUTRAS OF PATANJALI - Book of the Spiritual Man
Catalog #: SKU0823

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are in themselves exceedingly brief, less than ten pages of large type in the original. Yet they contain the essence of practical wisdom, set forth in admirable order and detail. The theme, if the present interpreter be right, is the great regeneration, the birth of the spiritual from the psychical man: the same theme which Paul so wisely and eloquently set forth in writing to his disciples in Corinth, the theme of all mystics in all lands.

Ascent of Olympus
Catalog #: SKU2822

The Religions of Rome... thier origin and dynasty.

Babylonian Influence on the Bible and Other Popular Beliefs
Catalog #: SKU2821

Discover how much of your faith, your Christian or Jewish religion originated from the religion of Babylon.

Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan
Catalog #: SKU3945

Censored by the Catholic and Protestant churches, this book was widely accepted by the Eastern Orthodox church for centuries.

Catalog #: SKU2305

The three manuscripts which we possess of the ancient Maya peoples of Central America, the Dresden (Dr.), the Madrid (Tro.-Cort.) and the Paris (Per.) manuscripts, all contain a series of pictorial representations of human figures, which, beyond question, should be regarded as figures of gods.

Doctrine of Ether in the Kabbalah
Catalog #: SKU3470

Hard to find research into various Kabbalistic concepts.

Druidical Temples of the County of Wilts
Catalog #: SKU0184

Stone temples are found in all parts of the world, whether inhabited by Celt or Goth, for at a later period all the early inhabitants of the globe seem to have been classed under these two appellatives.

Kabbalah: The Harmony of the Opposites
Catalog #: SKU4051

Excellent book for an introduction to the Kabbalah.

Mythical Sand Painting of the Navajo Indians & Ceremonial of Hasjelti Dailjis
Catalog #: SKU3090

During my visit to the Southwest, in the summer of 1885, it was my good fortune to arrive at the Navajo Reservation a few days before the commencement of a Navajo healing ceremonial. Learning of the preparation for this, I decided to remain and observe the ceremony, which was to continue nine days and nights. The occasion drew to the place some 1,200 Navajos. The scene of the assemblage was an extensive plateau near the margin of Keam's Canyon, Arizona.

Catalog #: SKU1627

Although appearing in the full light of historical times, Pythagoras has come down to us as almost a legendary character. The main reason for this is the terrible persecution of which he was the victim in Sicily, and which cost so many of his followers their lives. Some were crushed to death beneath the ruins of their burning schools, others died of hunger in temples. The Master's memory and teaching were only perpetuated by such survivors as were able to escape into Greece.
