Spirituality-Religions Ancient Religions


Large Print Apocrypha
Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Bible Spells
Sealed Magical Book of Moses
Lobsang Rampa : New Age Trailblazer
Books of Enoch

Ancient Religions


Bel and the Dragon
Catalog #: SKU2904

A rare, short study of the Biblical apocryphal story of Daniel and the god Bel, and Daniel slaying a dragon.

An Androgynous Babylonian Divinity
Catalog #: SKU3979

An unusual revelation about one of our ancient gods; or goddess?

Gaulish Inscription of the Poitiers: A Charm Against the Demon Dontaurios (PDF Download)
Catalog #: SKU2678

20 pages of research on this strange inscription. Demonology and how our ancestors used talismans and spells to ward them off.

Seven Hymns of the Atharva-Veda
Catalog #: SKU2177

An article by the author about the hymns, prior to these Hymns being published in his book.

Origin of the Fylfot or Swastika - Thor's Hammer
Catalog #: SKU3493

Three articles on the fylfot symbol that prove its non-Nazi origin.

Legends of Sepulcher and Perpetual Lamps (Electronic Download Edition)
Catalog #: SKU2581

Interesting treatise on the origins and alchemical substance of the the eternal flame, placed on many graves throughout the world.

British Stone Circles
Catalog #: SKU3473

Short studies into Stonehenge and other British stone circles.

Oracle at Delphi
Catalog #: SKU2342

Four studies into the importance of the Oracle at Delphi on civilization and history.

Oracle of Yahveh - Yahveh and Manitou
Catalog #: SKU2324

Two articles by the legendary Paul Carus into the Yahveh cults.

Origin of the Worship of Yahwe - Yahwe Elohim
Catalog #: SKU2375

When did Yahwe worship begin? and where? Perhaps NOT the Hebrews...

Gaulish Inscription of the Poitiers: A Charm Against the Demon Dontaurios
Catalog #: SKU2610

20 pages of research on this strange inscription. Demonology and how our ancestors used talismans and spells to ward them off.

Egyptian Conception of Immortality
Catalog #: SKU1082

From the beginning of its history--that is, from about 4500 B.C.--we can trace the development of a religion one of whose most prominent elements was a promise of a life after death. It was still a great religion when the Christian doctrine of immortality was enunciated. In the early centuries of the Christian era, it seemed almost possible that the worship of Osiris and Isis might become the religion of the classical world; and the last stand made by civilized paganism against Christianity was in the temple of Isis at Philae in the sixth century after Christ.

Priapic Rites and Phallic Principles of the Hindus
Catalog #: SKU2129

A treatise and study of Phallic worship in relation to and practiced by the ancient Hindu religion.

Catalog #: SKU2654

Witchcraft practices of the Atharva-Veda.

Nature and the Gods
Catalog #: SKU3544

Ladies and Gentlemen,-No word has played a more important part in the discussion of scientific and philosophical questions than the word Nature.
