Spirituality-Religions Ancient Religions


Large Print Apocrypha
Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Bible Spells
Sealed Magical Book of Moses
Lobsang Rampa : New Age Trailblazer
Books of Enoch

Ancient Religions


Karma, Nirvana, and Yama
Catalog #: SKU4094

Lessons by Paul Carus, the Famous Monist, into Karma and Nirvana, while Monist J. Muir teaches about Yama, or the future-life.

Phallic Objects : Monuments and Remains
Catalog #: SKU2149

History of the Phallic objects of worship.

Phallic Worship : Worship of the Generative Powers
Catalog #: SKU2150

An encyclopedic study of sex worship.

Psychological Origin and Nature of Religion
Catalog #: SKU2630

A short look at how magic has formed religion and our views of religions.

Catalog #: SKU3367

Psychometry: The ability or art of divining information about people or events associated with an object solely by touching or being near to it. Are you perhaps a divine oracle?

Catalog #: SKU4108

Ms. Besant teaches the Indian philosophy and Kabbalistic views of reincarnation.

Study in Karma
Catalog #: SKU4109

Ms. Besant teaches how Karma is affecting mankind in all world events.

True Origin, Object, and Organization of the Christian Religion
Catalog #: SKU0214

A look back into the parallels of Christianity and the ancient religions.

Bel: The Christ of Ancient Times
Catalog #: SKU3982

Was Bel the original sacrificial savior or the prototype that Rome fashioned the church after?

Dao De Jing : Scripture of the Way and its Virtues
Catalog #: SKU1413

This sameness is the mystery, Mystery within mystery; The door to all marvels.

Eros and Psyche
Catalog #: SKU3041

A full and complete translation of this epic work from the ancients. 75 illustrations with many extra pics added by TGS that artists during the past 2000 years have imagined these characters in their lives and tales.

Mystic World
Catalog #: SKU4011

The experience of one man into the world of spiritism, seances, and clairvoyance.

Oriental Mysticism : Sufiistic and Unitarian Theosophy
Catalog #: SKU1707

Steering a mid course between the pantheism of India on the one hand and the deism of the Cor

Path of Knowledge, Jnana Marga
Catalog #: SKU4017

A manual on Hermetic ways and knowledge

Phallic Miscellanies : Facts and Phases of Sex Worship
Catalog #: SKU2148

Study of India's Lingam and Yoni worship.
