Spirituality-Religions Ancient Religions


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Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Bible Spells
Sealed Magical Book of Moses
Lobsang Rampa : New Age Trailblazer
Books of Enoch

Ancient Religions


Gita and Gospel
Catalog #: SKU4087

An odd but critical view of the Gita, suggesting that it and the Vedas were influenced by the Gospels.

Song Celestial : Bhagavad-Gita
Catalog #: SKU4079

This famous and marvellous Sanskrit poem occurs as an episode of the Mahabharata, in the sixth--or "Bhishma"--Parva of the great Hindoo epic. It enjoys immense popularity and authority in India, where it is reckoned as one of the "Five Jewels,"--pancharatnani--of Devanagiri literature.

Kabbalah: The Harmony of the Opposites
Catalog #: SKU4051

Excellent book for an introduction to the Kabbalah.

Second Temple in Jerusalem
Catalog #: SKU4022

History of one of the most revered and most contentious buildings of history.

Path of Knowledge, Jnana Marga
Catalog #: SKU4017

A manual on Hermetic ways and knowledge

Mystic World
Catalog #: SKU4011

The experience of one man into the world of spiritism, seances, and clairvoyance.

Mystic Test Book of the Hindu Occult Chambers
Catalog #: SKU4009

Hindu and Egyptian Crystal Gazing, Magic Mirror, Astral and Spiritual Sight, Inner Sight, Clairvoyance, Astral Auras, Telepathy

Blazing Star
Catalog #: SKU3984

Studies into several esoteric realms, starting with the importance of the Blazing Star to faith.

Bel: The Christ of Ancient Times
Catalog #: SKU3982

Was Bel the original sacrificial savior or the prototype that Rome fashioned the church after?

An Androgynous Babylonian Divinity
Catalog #: SKU3979

An unusual revelation about one of our ancient gods; or goddess?

Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan
Catalog #: SKU3945

Censored by the Catholic and Protestant churches, this book was widely accepted by the Eastern Orthodox church for centuries.

Mysticism: Christian and Buddhist
Catalog #: SKU3915

Tao literally means "way" or "road" or "passage," and in more than one sense corresponds to the Sanskrit Dharma. It is one of the key terms in the history of Chinese thought. While Taoism derives its name from this term, Confucius also uses it extensively. With the latter however it has a more moralistic than metaphysical connotation. It is Taoists who use it in the sense of "truth," "ultimate reality," "logos," etc.

Secret Science Behind Miracles
Catalog #: SKU3913

This report deals with the discovery of an ancient and secret system of workable magic, which, if we can learn to use it as did the native magicians of Polynesia and North Africa, bids fair to change the world … provided the atom bomb does not make all further changes impossible.

Kundalini - The Mother of the Universe
Catalog #: SKU3907

India is the mysterious land chosen as her own by Kundalini, The Mother of the Universe. What we read in old histories and Holy Bibles, and the records, can be seen there today.

Yoga Vashisht or Heaven Found
Catalog #: SKU3905

The reader will find this work contains the records of spiritual truths, the secret doctrine or eternal teaching of the Munis and Rishis, of India. The ideals are wonderfully clear.
