Spirituality-Religions Ancient Religions


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Ancient Religions


Mysteries of Mithra, The
Catalog #: SKU1895

Mithraism, a religion from Persia and India, is probably the original source of Christianity. Franz Cuzont wrote one of the few books investigating the religion of Mithra. Apparently the church covered up this religion to keep us from seeing the truth behind Christianity's origins, and archeology during the Age of Enlightenment reopened this history to us.

Mysterious Hindus
Catalog #: SKU2388

The Hindus have a treasure trove of psychic, mystical and magical folklore and tradition, seldom covered in main studies.

Mystery of the Ages : Secret Doctrine of All Religions
Catalog #: SKU2493

Madam Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine explored as it relates to all the religions of mankind.

Mystic Test Book of the Hindu Occult Chambers
Catalog #: SKU4009

Hindu and Egyptian Crystal Gazing, Magic Mirror, Astral and Spiritual Sight, Inner Sight, Clairvoyance, Astral Auras, Telepathy

Mystic World
Catalog #: SKU4011

The experience of one man into the world of spiritism, seances, and clairvoyance.

Mysticism: Christian and Buddhist
Catalog #: SKU3915

Tao literally means "way" or "road" or "passage," and in more than one sense corresponds to the Sanskrit Dharma. It is one of the key terms in the history of Chinese thought. While Taoism derives its name from this term, Confucius also uses it extensively. With the latter however it has a more moralistic than metaphysical connotation. It is Taoists who use it in the sense of "truth," "ultimate reality," "logos," etc.

Mystics of Islam
Catalog #: SKU1590

It may be said, truly enough, that all mystical experiences ultimately meet in a single point; but that point assumes widely different aspects according to the mystic's temperament, while the converging lines of approach admit of almost infinite variety.

Mythical Sand Painting of the Navajo Indians & Ceremonial of Hasjelti Dailjis
Catalog #: SKU3090

During my visit to the Southwest, in the summer of 1885, it was my good fortune to arrive at the Navajo Reservation a few days before the commencement of a Navajo healing ceremonial. Learning of the preparation for this, I decided to remain and observe the ceremony, which was to continue nine days and nights. The occasion drew to the place some 1,200 Navajos. The scene of the assemblage was an extensive plateau near the margin of Keam's Canyon, Arizona.

Myths and Legends Of Ancient Greece And Rome
Catalog #: SKU1730

Greece and Rome- The two civilizations that have been the insight, source, and creation of most modern government theory and the West's major religions. Explore the great mysteries of these founding fathers of modern civilization.

Myths and Legends of Our Own Land
Catalog #: SKU1355

It is unthinkingly said and often, that America is not old enough to have developed a legendary era, for such an era grows backward as a nation grows forward. No little of the charm of European travel is ascribed to the glamour that history and fable have flung around old churches, castles, and the favored haunts of tourists, and the Rhine and Hudson are frequently compared, to the prejudice of the latter, not because its scenery lacks in loveliness or grandeur, but that its beauty has not been humanized by love of chivalry or faerie, as that of the older stream has been.

Myths of Crete & Pre-Hellenic Europe
Catalog #: SKU1769

The Mysteries of Crete still tease the historian and researcher. Atlantis, Minoean, and other ancient dynasties are rumored to have roots to Crete. With its Grecian and Egyptian connections, it was a major landmark island between these two great civilizations.

Myths of the New World
Catalog #: SKU3290

I HAVE written this work more for the thoughtful general reader than the antiquary. It is a study of an obscure portion of the intellectual history of our species as exemplified in one of its varieties.

Nagualism; A Study in Native American Folk-lore and History
Catalog #: SKU3291

The words, a nagual, nagualism, a nagualist, have been current in English prose for more than seventy years; they are found during that time in a variety of books published in England and the United States, yet are not to be discovered in any dictionary of the English language; nor has Nagualism a place in any of the numerous encyclop

Native Religions of Mexico and Peru
Catalog #: SKU3317

Our age is not, as is sometimes said, an age of positive science and of industrial discoveries alone, but also, and in a very high degree, an age of criticism and of history. It is to history, indeed, more than to anything else, that it looks for the lights which are to guide it in resolving the grave difficulties presented by the problems of the hour, in politics, in organization, and in social and religious life.

Natural Magic
Catalog #: SKU1979

Natural Magic, White Magic, Black Magic, Divination, Occult Binding, Sorceries, And Their Power. Unctions, Love Medicines And Their Virtues. The Occult Virtue Of Things Which Are In Them Only In Their Life Time, And Such As Remain In Them Even After Their Death. The Occult Or Magical Virtue Of All Things, Etc.
