Mysteries Alien - UFO


Body Snatchers
Conspiracy in the Heavens  -  Sex, lies and a karma secret

Alien - UFO


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Space Travelers and the Genesis of the Human Form
Catalog #: SKU0469

Space Travelers and the Genesis of the Human Form illustrates that Darwinian evolution is actually not an empirically predictable or testable scientific paradigm, but is a highly touted philosophy of Western materialism.

Underground Alien Bases
Catalog #: SKU0474

Here is an intelligence agent's shocking report offering evidence that at least some flying saucers COME FROM INSIDE EARTH. Aliens have established underground bases around the planet. An ancient tunnel system has existed since the time of Atlantis. Entrance ways can be found in many major cities. Some government and military officials have taken the side of the aliens in an attempt to control earth's human population.

Cosmic Top Secret : America's Secret UFO Program
Catalog #: SKU0565

This is a sensational book authored by a retired Air Force Security Service member who reported directly to the NSA. Hamilton insists that there is reasonable evidence that the reverse engineering of downed alien craft has enabled certain branches of the "Secret Government to develop a technology that may be hundreds of years beyond what the public is familiar with. Some of this advanced technology was used in recent Middle East conflicts...

Alien Chronicles
Catalog #: SKU0616

Yesterday's X Files - An enthralling journey through the past to a new vision of the UFO phenomenon. Not since Jacques Vallee's legendary Passport to Magonia has an author tackled the fact that UFO sightings and close encounters have been a part of human history for millennia with such expertise. This book is an absolute must for anybody who's curious about unexplained phenomena.

UFO Mysteries : A Reporter Seeks the Truth
Catalog #: SKU0748

"UFO Mysteries is one of the best works on the subject of UFOs since Jacques Vallee's seminal 1965 Anatomy of a Phenomenon. Sutherly has blended skillful writing with the determination of a true investigator to produce an objective and introspective look at one of the greatest enigmas humankind has so far faced."

Liquid Conspiracy : JFK, LSD, the CIA, Area 51 and UFOs
Catalog #: SKU0761

Underground author George Piccard on the politics of LSD, mind control, and Kennedy's involvement with Area 51 and UFOs. Reveals JFK's LSD experiences with Mary Pinchot-Meyer. The plot thickens with an ever expanding web of CIA involvement, from underground bases with UFOs seen by JFK and Marilyn Monroe (among others) to a vaster conspiracy that affects every government agency from NASA to the Justice Department.

Breaking the Godspell : The Politics of Our Evolution
Catalog #: SKU0796

Freer explores the archaeological, astronomical and genetic evidence for our being a half-alien, genetically engineered species. He presents the mind-boggling ramifications of this new paradigm which correct and resolve the Creationist-Evolutionary conflict, afford a generic definition of human nature, and the potential to rethink the planet. We are about to step out of racial adolescence into stellar society.

We are the Nibiruans : Return of the 12th Planet
Catalog #: SKU0875

When enough of us have completed this process -Recoding, Reconnection and Activation - the increased mass consciousness frequency will shift our planet into higher planes of the 4th Dimension and will diminish the pending "Earth changes" crises that are predicted.

Secret NASA Transmissions
Catalog #: SKU1025


Barriers of Belief
Catalog #: SKU1501

An examination of the non-human contact enigma and it's implications

What is presented in this book takes the form of series of chapters detailing hitherto unknown, real-life paranormal crossover cases personally investigated by the author as co-founder of P-E-G (Paranormal Encounters Group), interspersed with additional chapters containing some startling additional information suggested by each case.

Body Snatchers
Catalog #: SKU1514

This book is about an alien race. They are taking over our planet. This alien race is known as 'the reptilians.' They are body snatching ~ taking over human bodies. I became involved with one such reptilian host and the reptilian entity working for him. I am now free of all of them. Exposed are unique insights into exactly how a reptilian exists as a human. Secrecy is their power.

Strange Saga
Catalog #: SKU1560

In telling the story of Timothy Green Beckley, one wonders where to begin. There has been so much water under so many bridges that time is hard to grasp and truly lay hold on. But we can at least approach the telling of Beckley's personal odyssey by beginning at The beginning, when he was a child growing up in New Jersey.

Strange Encounters
Catalog #: SKU1561

There are theoreticians who maintain that the presence of UFOs over the half century has given us the necessary inspiration and motivation to forge ahead with our attempt to conquer the universe. Their theory is that we would, as a unified planet, feel more comfortable on a more equal footing.

Catalog #: SKU1562

It is therefore terrible to contemplate a scenario where death comes not by natural causes, but at the hands of an assassin, sent with the sole purpose of murder. Not just any kind of murder. Not a murder of passion, or the accidental death from an anonymous robbery for the contents of a wallet or purse; but a secret murder. Homicide for the reason of silence, political or social justifications - murder to shut a mouth forever.

Project World Evacuation
Catalog #: SKU1564

Just as many are called and few are chosen, likewise, many who read this book will neither understand nor receive the information. But those special souls for whom it is intended will rejoice in its guidance and accept its timely and imperative revelation.
This information is not entertainment. It is comparable to "sealed orders" given to dedicated volunteers on a strategic mission. It is dispersed to them, compiled for them and will be cherished by them.

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