Popular Authors Alexander Del Mar


Worship of Augustus Caesar
Money and Civilization: Monetary Laws and Systems
Ancient Britain In Light of Modern Archeological Discoveries
History of Money in America
Science of Money
History of Monetary Crimes - Barbara Villiers

Alexander Del Mar


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History of Monetary Crimes - Barbara Villiers
Catalog #: SKU0044

The right to coin money and regulate its value was the exclusive prerogative of the State. The author cites early historical examples when this special privilege of government was usurped.

Worship of Augustus Caesar
Catalog #: SKU0306

This very rare work shows how the worship of the Roman emperors delayed the establishment of Christianity as the chief religion of the West for several centuries. This material derived from the study of coins, monuments, astrological and astronomical cycles is used to establish a new chronology and survey of history and religion.

Science of Money
Catalog #: SKU0887

This excellent book has been out of print now for quite some time. It is with pride that TGS Publishing is able to scan the original book and make it available to the public once again.

History of Money in America
Catalog #: SKU1177

There is possibly no greater master of the history and frauds used in money systems from antiquity to the present day than Alexander Del Mar. TGS continues to seek out all books of this rare author and talent from the late 1800s and early 1900s. Del Mar was the head of the Bureau of Mining for the United States in the 1800s. His specialty was researching the history of money, coins, and fiat systems.

Ancient Britain In Light of Modern Archeological Discoveries
Catalog #: SKU2112

Britain remains a land of mystery, as more of its past history is uncovered. Del Mar is one of our more popular authors due to his known expertise in the history and science of money. This book shows there was more to Del Mar than just his interest in money.

History of Monetary Systems
Catalog #: SKU2132

This history of monetary systems comes from the undisputed monetary scholar Alexander Del Mar, once the head of the US Bureau of Mines.

History of Precious Metals
Catalog #: SKU2134

Alexander Del Mar was against fiat (fake) money and he spent a lifetime researching money, its value, its failings, and its benefits. This is an in depth historical study into precious metals as money.

Money and Civilization: Monetary Laws and Systems
Catalog #: SKU2733

From history's foremost expert on value and money, Del Mar presents the history of money, without understanding monetary history, one would be ignorant of its role in civilization.

Story of the Gold Conspiracy
Catalog #: SKU2765

Chairman Turpie announced that Hon. Alexander Del Mar of California, the distinguished writer on finance, was present and would address the Convention. Mr. Del Mar was greeted by much applause and proceeded to the discussion, confining his remarks chiefly to the historical aspect of the question.

Venus De Milo: Its History and Its Art
Catalog #: SKU2790

From a 1900 copy, TGS has captured and restored the text of the book in its original font and style. TGS has also added images of the Venus De Milo, that were not available in 1900.

Great Paper Bubble
Catalog #: SKU3994

Written during the US War of Aggression and Occupation of the Southern States, the author predicted the harm of paper money, not backed by substance. His predictions have come true in the 1890s, 1900s, 1930s, and as late as 2008 when the paper money banksters almost crashed the financial system. Why O Why do the Illiterates of Congress allow this cycle to continue, and each time it bails out the same criminals that caused the bubble to almost burst. In the past 10 years the bubble has inflated 100 times its normal rate.... will we all have to suffer because of illiterate, greedy, politicians since the banksters want it all?

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